Lindale man sentenced to 30 years for child sex crimes

Colin Wade Turner, 67 of Lindale was sentenced to 30 years in prison this past week after pleading guilty to multiple child sex crimes in 2022, officials said. Turner was arrested on Dec. 2, 2022 on five counts of possession of child pornography and one count of indecency with a child. On Tuesday, July 25

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New year, same goal: Eagles look for playoff success in ’23

      By Terry Cannon Editor And so it begins — again. This week, Texas high school football players are sweating out any excesses they may have accumulated since the final day of school in May in preparation for what they hope is a schedule that won’t conclude until December. The Lindale High School

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Residents urged to postpone burning

The Smith County Fire Marshal’s Office is encouraging citizens to postpone all burning activity in the near future as the weather conditions in the area continue to pose a threat for wildfires, said County Public Information Officer Casey Murphy. The Keetch-Byram Drought Index moved into the low-600 range this past weekend for Smith County, and

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Beef cattle production event expected to draw 1,900 to Bryan-College Station

    The 69th annual Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course in Bryan-College Station will offer some cutting-edge information and ranch technology, along with basic beef cattle production information. The 69th annual Beef Cattle Short Course will introduce cattle producers to new technology designed to help improve overall profitability. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Sam Craft) The

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New reporting system helps curtail illegal dumping

The East Texas Council of Governments (ETCOG) is proud to announce the launch of a new reporting system designed to combat illegal dumping and keep East Texas clean. The system, called RID – Report Illegal Dumping, is a simple and convenient way for residents to report instances of illegal dumping in their neighborhoods and communities.

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State Officials OK Record $1.19 Billion for Texas A&M System

Undergraduate tuition, academic fees for Texas residents frozen for next two years   BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday approved a record $1.19 billion in new spending for The Texas A&M University System, including money to freeze undergraduate tuition and fees for Texas residents the next two years. The new spending, which

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Ted and Donna Lyon Center for Gamebird Research Planned for Texas A&M University-Commerce

  COMMERCE, TX—Texas A&M University-Commerce will soon be home to an innovative gamebird research and education facility, thanks to a historic gift from alumnus Ted B. Lyon and his wife, Donna. Construction of the Ted and Donna Lyon Center for Gamebird Research at Texas A&M University-Commerce will begin in 2024. In December 2022, the Lyons

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Lindale Graduation Insert – 2023

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